
Imagine if you met a girl and were too busy getting some to spend time trying to upset people on the internet over a tv show?

"You never really buy that Jordan's shtick would last for very long in a world full of discerning people."

"I know a good number of people who watch it for Mika Brzezinski, although for the life of me I don't know why"

Nope, it's no joke, he really has a dead intern problem. Just google Joe Scarbarough and Lori Klausutis for the whole sorid story.

Yeah, I don't get that. I agree with someone above who said this episode gets better every time you view it. It really does.

Not only does Soros own it but the reviewer disguising herself as "simon" is really Helen Thomas and Soros paid her FIVE MILLION dollars to write this review.

Interesting, but OTOH what's the chances that some JP Morgan metrosexual prick is going to survive the zombie apocalypse and live to be a pain in the ass to the other survivors? They were probably the first zombie snacks. Well, the second, cause they all attempted to use their 20 yo female admin assts as human

Milhouse i don't remember Dexter ever torturing anyone. I could be wrong. I hope not, I think one of the interesting things right now, is that neither Dexter or even Lumen who was just tortured for a prolonged period, has wanted to torture. I think it's kind of important, but I could be totally wrong and the

It's also unlikely because probably the most dramatic thing they can end this with is Deb finding out about Dexter, and what she does about it. You have one great and one very good actor there (Carpenter has grown very much over the four seasons, and I think she's pretty electrying at this point, and of course Hall

I was just thinking that Lumen makes it clear that Cole was "very bad" and that Dexter needs to be careful. She tells Dexter Cole is the one who put the marks on her back. This means that Cole whipped her, repeatedly. He tortures her.

Great Review
You really captured my feelings ab0ut the show. I have major concerns and I'm often torn, but it was a great episode.

That would change things…we'll see. I hope so.

No. He always killed his victims before dismembering them. Unless I missed a flashback scene to pre-season 1 Dexter?

Moral Ambivalence
I think that the one thing the series is losing this year, for me anyway, is the moral ambivalence I used to feel towards Dexter. I always knew Dexter would eventually need to be caught, and that, more importantly, Dexter Morgan should be caught. He should be stopped.

I'm glad you asked people not to engage in spoilers because I have never even heard of the comic this was based on. I loved it! I couldn't believe how good it was. A really pleasant surprise. I don't know if it was because it was Halloween or something, but wow I really got scared. I don't think I could

Hey WCOG - nope, I was tearing into some guy for being a misogynist asshole.

I agree with a lot of what you said, but Don Draper is too central to Mad Men for the character to be put out to pasture.


Solid B
I would defintely give this episode higher than a c+. B or B+. I thought it was a really tight episode and I enjoyed it very much. But I'm not too thrilled with where it's going next week according to the previews. Julia Stiles becomes a serial killer too. Come on. I'm not sure they can pull that off.

Cactus Jack
We get it. YOu sooooo wanna fuck MEgan.