
It's Saturday. "The Jews close everything on Saturday". Sunday is only important for goyim.

See, I actually don't think Harry was in the wrong either. While he's always trying to bestow a little more power on himself/the media dept, is that really a bad thing? They SHOULD be on the cutting edge of things and get themselves a computer!

My take on Jim Cutler's behavior with Harry was different — I didn't get the feeling that he was trying to help Harry at all. I got the sense that he knew Harry was lying to the client to begin with (I think he'd know if they had a computer), and purposely set the call to the WSJ so that Harry would look bad and be

Great interview. I went to college with J-Zone and while we never talked I was always a huge fan of his from afar. I always thought he represented the potential future of hip-hop in a world where Southern party-rap hadn't become the norm…and as much as I wish he'd pick up the mic again I know I'm in no place to fully