
Yeah, that was definitely a giveaway that the author hasn't watched the show for a long time. Bryan has been the best thing going for well over half a year now. In all fairness, if I jumped into the middle of the "Bryan and craaaazy AJ" storyline with no context, and hadn't ever seen Bryan wrestle, I'm not sure I

Yeah, that was definitely a giveaway that the author hasn't watched the show for a long time. Bryan has been the best thing going for well over half a year now. In all fairness, if I jumped into the middle of the "Bryan and craaaazy AJ" storyline with no context, and hadn't ever seen Bryan wrestle, I'm not sure I

Agreed on the cringeworthy part. I like the idea of the AV Club reviewing Raw, but it seems like the designated reviewer (particularly in this instance) is often in too much of a rush to save face by constantly reminding us that they are only deigning to even mention wrestling, and can barely be bothered to dignify

Agreed on the cringeworthy part. I like the idea of the AV Club reviewing Raw, but it seems like the designated reviewer (particularly in this instance) is often in too much of a rush to save face by constantly reminding us that they are only deigning to even mention wrestling, and can barely be bothered to dignify

As much as I love the series for all its great moments, Homicide: Life on the Street sure had some horrendous episodes. Putting aside the final season when the show was well past its prime, one that stands out to me as being especially clunky is "Thrill of the Kill", which centers on a jarring, overheated premise

I actually thought MSCL carried off the occasional supernatural/mystical elements quite well, particularly when they were centered around Angela who you could believe was just overdramatic/introspective enough to dream up these elaborate scenarios (for example the strange imagined conversation with the fashion model

Yeah Evan, it's puzzling to me how that works. It really seems like they must plan it that way, given how one show is almost always drastically better but it isn't consistently the same show that stays on top for too long.

Yeah Evan, I agree that the lack of a counterpoint is still irritating at times. It's more pronounced now due to Cole having to amplify the obnoxiousness in the run up to Mania, since he's doing even more trampling over the other commentators than before,

I agree with the previous comments that you should do this more often. I think the AV Club could bring a really interesting perspective to wrestling that would be difficult to find elsewhere. Who is going to catch CM Punk's Fugazi references if you don't take up the mantle?

Cole is fantastic in his role, and I think that dismissing the crowd response he evokes as "X-Pac heat" is mostly a lot of hand-wringing from overly sensitive smarks. The argument that he's burying talent assumes that the majority of fans take what he says at face value, so if he says Daniel Bryan is a nerd then that

Also, one thing I forgot to add:

Fart jokes
I won't argue that it's a great sketch, but I think that dismissing the premise of "Lance Reports" as a fart joke is missing the real point. It seemed clear to me that it was a riff on the Lewinsky scandal, and the underlying joke was how stupid most Americans were for treating such a non-issue like real

Simon, I am a regular reader of GameSetWatch as well as AVC, and while I hold you to be a generally trustworthy person, I have to disagree with your logic regarding the 'temporal impossibility' of Q-Games using the IGF as a marketing tool. Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't it only be a temporal impossibility