
Nothing beats La Bete, the world's premier "erotic comedy-horror-drama."

I don't know why I thought this would be funny, but it wasn't.

This is Danish, not Dutch, but I think it's the same idea:

Thanks. I've got it queue'd up now.

I thought that Tell No One was kind of bad. It was obviously well-done and well-acted throughout, but the ending really killed it. In the last twenty minutes they reveal the explanation of 5 different mysteries that they never set up as mysteries in the first place.

He's great
There is something very charming about Bill Cunningham's combination of objectivity and blind appreciation of everything he sees. His reporting style has always seemed to me like that of an alien making reports to a distant mothership. All observation and no context. His monkish lifestyle isn't at all

Crazy, would you rather him shave or wear that dollar store wig on his face the whole time?

In the meantime,
watch Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Read a plot summary, you won't believe its a real movie. Vampires, lesbians, and the patron saint of professional wrestling…

The Rent is Too Damn High!


I was really hoping that he told lies to get more vaginas in his films…

This is the best column ever.

I'm angry at the guys who made SCB every day. Disc gun? DISC GUN!?

I was going to say the same thing. Endeavor is easily as good as Knytt though. More games should have harmless monsters wandering around.