
Pass. It has the same problems as his earlier films. He appears to think interesting shots make up for a boring story.

I agree with Superdeformed. As a whole, I was unimpressed. I thought the first few scenes were masterful. And then… there just was a lack of entertainment for roughly half an hour. Just nothing to stimulate your mind at all, except the soundtrack, which admittedly was awesome.

I thought that at the time, but you see Jesse in Mexico in the preview for next episode.

No, you're right, a clean blow from a grown man onto a man on his back is way worse than it was shown. That said, they are throwing punches in the Hollywood style in the fight, where they sling the arm across their face and don't use their torso rotation properly. Usually in a real fight amongst untrained men, no one

Achewood is awesome. That said, I don't think Louie is clinically depressed or very nerdy, just observant and unhappy.

Just got one! /brag (You set me up for it)

Good point dude. I need to get better at checking the nesting. Sorry for any vitriol that was directed at you, I swear I meant it for those against the usage of "they" outlined above.

That show looked like it cost more to attend than most of his shows. Those 20 year olds are probably college students who will have good jobs in a few years.

It fucking works as a gender neutral third person singular pronoun and everyone knows that so we should all just pretend it's grammatical until it is, phil. Then again, your post is probably just minimalist irony of correcting grammar without capitalization and punctuation in a 3 word sentence : well done.

I believe Mike on this too. Snooki was into Mike on the first season, remember? I don't believe her denials at all.

I'm sure Deena and Snooki are alcoholics. Snooki especially can't appear to confront anything in her life when she doesn't have alcohol. At work - seriously?

I'm sure tons do. It's not really the most subtle of allusions.

Let's be honest. Vinnie and Pauly didn't do anything wrong until the prank. All they said was to take the girl into the smush room, which makes sense because she has roommates. And she took it too seriously, cause she's an idiot. It was not slut shaming, nothing they did would sound like that. Le'sbehonest was

I disagree with people who like this movie. Mostly because it was not funny, and it was just about some pathetic people? Just because people in it are pathetic and you relate to it in some way doesn't mean the story is worthwhile. I dunno, it just didn't have enough of any one thing (humor, drama, wit, substance) to

Part of why I like Archer is all the Arrested alums they have. Jessica Walter, Jeffrey Tambor, Judy Greer are all great.

Hank is already on to them because of Gale.

Jesse is still a drug addict. He would use if he could, and Mike saw him detoxing, so he knows it's going to get worse.

He put two men with automatic rifles in there instead of 1 man with a pistol. Although that man was Mike. Does anyone think it's weird that Mike would be put on such lowly guard duty?

I think they still think Jesse is expendable. Let him go and die in the meth head house, if he does, he's not worth the trouble to groom and annoy Walt.