
If Jesse turned out to be useless, it would just have been noted and he would've died sooner.

Just because the AMC's site said that doesn't make it true. I recorded it and watched it a few times and it was Tyrus's voice. I doubt an actual writer writes the synopses for the episodes. Vince Gilligan said so.

Oh, and also,, Cat looked super hot in her dress tonight.

Shoulda been Sasha
That is, if the best dancer should win. But I understand thousands of girls sympathizing with Melanie's relatively plain looks and non-ideal dancer body.

Hey, dudeman, don't tell me I didn't like the standup because I can't relate to being married. I can still understand the joke and empathize with married people. I don't relate to any of his comedy that relates to his age or poor health or kids, but I still know when it's funny and when it's not.

No, he's right, this stand up bit sucked. On the whole, they're hit or miss and much less consistent than the rest of the show.

Sasha vs. Melanie
Their dance showed precisely what each is better at than the other. Sasha had the power and precision, while Melanie was smoother and more lyrical, and arguably performed better.

Good one.

Yeah just tell us what you know, tease.

I liked it. It was some smooth hip hop instead of an overdose of popping. If you have swag, it's great, it'll have that look of casual arrogance that is sexy, as opposed to the pure aggression that is the "hardcore" hiphop.

I didn't go to a Philips. One of my cousins did. She was a townie. I based it on her experience, which made Columbia's undergrad a lot easier than it could've been.

Axis was Great
Wasn't Axis good? I was very impressed by their facility and the expressive, yet artistically entertaining choreo.

I'm fine with the distinction, because, no matter the few so-so movies, the Coen Brothers ARE the best directors of the last 25 years.

Well, I don't know where you went to college, but being top 50% at a Philips school is very difficult and pretty much means you can get acceptance to an Ivy or elite private school, with top 30% probably giving you a choice between most schools any other kid would dream of. Yes, admissions there does have to deal with

Have you not seen this show before? The performer with the worst comments gets saved.

Caitlynn is by far the most attractive girl on the show. While Melanie is my favorite girl, Caitlynn will probably make it far based on how hot she is.

Also, Ryan is so annoying. I can't believe she made it. She's not even as good as the other contemporary dancers. At least when previously annoying people made it far (Brandon) they were stunning dancers.

Ahhh, Sonya Tayeh is STILL here? Holy Christ, if they could just get rid of the indulgent choreographers we could have more room for ones like Travis Wall, who just choreographs beautiful dancing that showcases the abilities of the dancers and makes the story not ridiculous. Also, can we get rid of Broadway as a style

1. Not Dan Harmon is hilarious.

You guys. I actually watched the ENTIRE show when it aired. We're talking true fandom and recognition of greatness here.