
Community is not like Arrested. Only in the volume style of joke telling, not much else. Community doesn't juggle multiple plotlines in the same way, Arrested was much more character based, and was much funnier.

The fuck are you on about? Of course NBC execs look at the ratings, and I know all that shit. I was just noting with some vehemence how shitty the competition is, not making any statement regarding renewing. Are you that blind to tone? I'll try to be clear. Basically, you're a fucking idiot, Amateur Lobster.

If you're going to post multiple comments, post through a damn account.

My problem with the Ben/Leslie storyline is this hard and fast rule of "no relationships with coworkers." That's not realistic. In general, you just have to disclose the relationship. Leslie and Ben are both great at their jobs, and it would be ridiculous for either to be fired over something that doesn't affect their

Also, I hope the execs at NBC note with dismay how fucking godawful the shows Community competes with are. Big Bang Theory is a trainwreck of an abortion of a show, and Idol is still on? Seriously?

Infinite Jest is great
I can understand Infinite Jest being hard to get into in the sense that it's hard to get a sense of all the characters and where they fit in. But for me, it's easy to read because it's so funny and poignant and the prose is top notch. Also, you always have the sense that the author really grasps

The main thing for me is that after 3 seasons, the only legitimately funny one is Pauly. As far as I can tell he's the only one with a semblance of wit, which is all that is left when the characters are all friends and have all their relationships fleshed out.

I have a dandelion allergy and I'd prefer it if you'd be sensitive.

I think Chang was GREAT when he was just a vindictive, bitter teacher. When the show got too emotionally involved with him it went with the pitiable loser who is crazy and made him unbelievable. Now you can't buy him being with the "normal" cast. His monologue in the second episode made me think he was worth it to

I saw the first half of the first sentence and thought it was going to be: "seem like opposites to me - Community is built mostly around using stereotypes in unique ways, and MF usually relies on using stereotypes in the same old ways."

Not sure how people can compare this show to Community at all. They are so different that there might not be a point. You may be able to say that one is of higher quality than the other, but they are so different that all you are really expressing is your taste in sitcoms. That said, Community is SO MUCH BETTER than

I don't understand what people are saying. This episode was hilarious and explored the characters. It was the best of both worlds. I don't know how you can't like this episode. The Britta/Jeff bit was classic, the Reading Rainbow song was amazing, and the jokes that they tried to make were legitimately funny. It