
I Like Her Music
I have her albums in my car, and while I haven't listened to them in a while, I will pop one in when I am not in the mood to be assailed by heavy percussion or a lot of bass. I was younger than 14 when I discovered her music, and I've enjoyed it ever since. Some is better than others, but she is the

Grimaces Make You Cool
Also, why does he make that facial expression? Is he trying to copy that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles half-snarl thing? Someone should tell him that he can't ever pull it off, on account of his lack of ninja skills.

This article, aside from making my vagina shrink up into my body, confirmed my belief that Pete Wentz is the origin of all the nonsensical spam e-mail I get. Think about it. The words that he strings together have as little meaning as the e-mail subject lines that say things like "a parkville dig blue".