J. Robb

The Christmas episode was already a sequel to an earlier episode.

Fun-killing over-analysis has always been a hallmark of Simpsons reviews. I had to stop reading alt.tv.simpsons because those humourless dorks were so depressing.

Except the episode wasn't mindless, crass or boring. (Okay, a little crass- but it's the Simpsons. Crass is what helped set it apart from the cheesy sitcoms that preceded it.)

It's hilarious that half the review is worrying about the lack of framing device meaning this future is "real".

"Holidays of Futures Passed" basically elaborated on "Future Drama" (the first episode with Jenda.)

Wait, now people are worried about FUTURE continuity too? I can't wait until the inevitable '00s episode where Bart isn't born until 2006. The Comic Book Guys will really lose it.

I'm enjoying so many different players getting camera time. Survivor has learned from its mistakes.

And Jefra being a non-entity was kind of the strategy behind voting for her.

It's probably due to a new generation of writers who grew up with the show. It happens in comics all the time, writers like to bring back stories from their childhood instead of creating new ones.

"At least I'll die doing what I love- trying not to get killed."

I love Homer tearing into Jukebox Hero.

"Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming" wasn't even that legendary or classic. But we saw it a hundred times in syndication, so it's comfort food.

A little scene I liked was Homer holding on to some stranger's ATM receipt as inspiration. It's always the people with a healthy account that don't throw out their receipt.

Really solid episode, it twisted in different directions without feeling random. A lot of nice details and animation too.

I liked that they based the Batman and Robin picture on an actual panel featuring Bruce and Dick in bed, but they were wearing pajamas instead of costumes.

I'm not that familiar with Miyazaki (sorry!), so that sequence actually dragged the episode down for me, but the rest was pretty funny.

The show is full of stereotypes, most of all Homer- the lazy, self-absorbed American. That's how they've gotten away with Apu for the past 25 years.

You totally can. And I can express my opinion that hate-watching is sad.

If I didn't think the show was worth watching, I wouldn't watch it. I have better things to do with my time than hate-watch a show just to complain on the internet about it.

People who use the name "Zombie Simpsons" but still watch are basically begging to be offended.