J. Robb

There was a lot of great lines.

Banning "epic" would be awesome.

Banning "epic" would be awesome.

Billy's Mom kicked Gremlin ass, she almost ended the movie in one scene.

Billy's Mom kicked Gremlin ass, she almost ended the movie in one scene.

And yet no one would watch them.

And yet no one would watch them.

The Hurt Locker was written by a journalist embedded in Iraq but still turned out like an episode of CSI: Baghdad. I definitely won't be looking for any historical accuracy in Zero Dark Thirty,

The Hurt Locker was written by a journalist embedded in Iraq but still turned out like an episode of CSI: Baghdad. I definitely won't be looking for any historical accuracy in Zero Dark Thirty,

This reminded me of the first Mother Simpson episode, but… with a dog.

This reminded me of the first Mother Simpson episode, but… with a dog.

My Top Five (in order they aired):

My Top Five (in order they aired):

At least Rosie O'Donnell was a fan. Bryant Gumbel didn't know Rudy from B.B..

At least Rosie O'Donnell was a fan. Bryant Gumbel didn't know Rudy from B.B..

@JudgeReinhold:disqus I think Sophie was a good winner. The season was designed for Ozzy to win, but she beat him anyway.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus I think Sophie was a good winner. The season was designed for Ozzy to win, but she beat him anyway.

Denise was being called a lock to win by other players since very early in the game. She must just be a very pleasant person back at camp.

Denise was being called a lock to win by other players since very early in the game. She must just be a very pleasant person back at camp.

He could have given his immunity idol to Denise in the final five. Then she might have felt she owed it to him to force a tie in the final four- Malcolm versus Lisa fire-building shouldn't be a contest.