J. Robb

Jeff's one of the producers- it's his own rules letting her sit out.

Jeff's one of the producers- it's his own rules letting her sit out.

The next weakest girl- Carter.

The next weakest girl- Carter.

We can make fun all we want, but holy crap, James Cameron knows how to sell a movie.

We can make fun all we want, but holy crap, James Cameron knows how to sell a movie.

PROBST: Perhaps, but I don’t know that it would change the game in any demonstrative way.
It would have changed the game- Matsing would have won immunity in their last challenge if a woman had to compete in one or both the other tribes. And possibly in an earlier challenge, depending on who sat out.

PROBST: Perhaps, but I don’t know that it would change the game in any demonstrative way.
It would have changed the game- Matsing would have won immunity in their last challenge if a woman had to compete in one or both the other tribes. And possibly in an earlier challenge, depending on who sat out.

Sometimes the cameras are just well-hidden, but usually (and probably in this case) it was a set-up shot filmed after the fact. Which is fine with me, it doesn't effect the game and makes for good tv.

Sometimes the cameras are just well-hidden, but usually (and probably in this case) it was a set-up shot filmed after the fact. Which is fine with me, it doesn't effect the game and makes for good tv.

Survivor's been around long enough to know you need a back-up beauty queen.

Survivor's been around long enough to know you need a back-up beauty queen.

It's smart to go with the majority. Not voting with the tribe usually means you're next to go.

It's smart to go with the majority. Not voting with the tribe usually means you're next to go.

That could work too- the point is it's actually a pretty good game, as much mental as physical.

That could work too- the point is it's actually a pretty good game, as much mental as physical.

As long as the numbers stay close, Malcolm and Denise are actually in a really good position. They can promise their tribe that they can get the other one to flip.

As long as the numbers stay close, Malcolm and Denise are actually in a really good position. They can promise their tribe that they can get the other one to flip.

I liked the reward challenge, I don't think throwing your idol in the air is as "auto win" as it seemed tonight. There is a counter-strategy (throw your own higher), which makes the move a gamble. We could see that next time if they use the challenge again.

I liked the reward challenge, I don't think throwing your idol in the air is as "auto win" as it seemed tonight. There is a counter-strategy (throw your own higher), which makes the move a gamble. We could see that next time if they use the challenge again.