Cassandra Ramir

Do not peddle knowledge to those who do not wish to receive it, or, in short, don't cast pearls before swine?

Do not peddle knowledge to those who do not wish to receive it, or, in short, don't cast pearls before swine?




Also the déjà vu sketch in episode 16.

Also the déjà vu sketch in episode 16.



I think the Blancmange sketch is fun, in it's own way, faults in cohesion not withstanding. Cycling tour is just awful and has very few, if any, redeeming qualities.

I think the Blancmange sketch is fun, in it's own way, faults in cohesion not withstanding. Cycling tour is just awful and has very few, if any, redeeming qualities.

If I had a 16,000kg weight falling on me I doubt I would have the time to do much other than my best impression of a very, very flat object.

If I had a 16,000kg weight falling on me I doubt I would have the time to do much other than my best impression of a very, very flat object.



That, and some degree of condemnation of the—how shall I express this—questionable mental qualities of British economic elites.

That, and some degree of condemnation of the—how shall I express this—questionable mental qualities of British economic elites.
