Cassandra Ramir


Wait a little while.

Wait a little while.



Episode Four
Art Gallery – I do not understand why this is supposed to be funny.  Child abuse and the destruction of priceless cultural artifacts aren't humorous topics.
Art Critic – I don't get this.
It's A Man's Life in the Modern Army – I don't get this one either.
Undressing in Public – Better if shorter. The humor

Episode Four
Art Gallery – I do not understand why this is supposed to be funny.  Child abuse and the destruction of priceless cultural artifacts aren't humorous topics.
Art Critic – I don't get this.
It's A Man's Life in the Modern Army – I don't get this one either.
Undressing in Public – Better if shorter. The humor

This seems as good a time as any to ask — is anything known about how the 16 ton weight effect was done, practically?

This seems as good a time as any to ask — is anything known about how the 16 ton weight effect was done, practically?



Disqus created a double post.

Disqus created a double post.

Thursdays are still not the same.

Thursdays are still not the same.



That would have been much funnier if the anglosphere's elites had not chosen to attack their populations first with predatory economic policies, removing them from their homes by destroying their livelihoods … and then when the populations have no homes to live in, shredding all social insurance so they have no choice

That would have been much funnier if the anglosphere's elites had not chosen to attack their populations first with predatory economic policies, removing them from their homes by destroying their livelihoods … and then when the populations have no homes to live in, shredding all social insurance so they have no choice

What an absurd cultural trait.