
Thanks for RUINING the ending and MY ENTIRE DAY.

I'm glad they took it through to the end there.

I'm glad they took it through to the end there.

I bet he forgets the aluminum

I bet he forgets the aluminum

Ah Haile Selassie and shit.  Well that explains it.

Ah Haile Selassie and shit.  Well that explains it.

Wouldn't a wolf be a step back?  Like, evolution and stuff.

Wouldn't a wolf be a step back?  Like, evolution and stuff.

But why a Lion?  Why not a Goat, or a Marmot?

But why a Lion?  Why not a Goat, or a Marmot?

Well there it is then.

Well there it is then.

How is this three months or so away (drunk) and a real trailer has yet to be fashioned?

How is this three months or so away (drunk) and a real trailer has yet to be fashioned?

I don't feel the need to explain my art to you HipsterDBag

I don't feel the need to explain my art to you HipsterDBag

You motherfuckers lack VISION.

You motherfuckers lack VISION.

It's Field of Dreams.  She choked on a wiener.