Ian Orr

I don't have a problem with replacing male characters with female ones (Tims's Starbuck and Boomer are fine examples) my problem is that too often it's a lazy way to generate buzz for a project. Almost daring nerds to get up in arms over what in all likelihood will be a eminently forgettable remake.

I don't have a problem with replacing male characters with female ones (Tims's Starbuck and Boomer are fine examples) my problem is that too often it's a lazy way to generate buzz for a project. Almost daring nerds to get up in arms over what in all likelihood will be a eminently forgettable remake.

Yeah because replacing a iconic horror movie character with a female version worked out really well in the prequel to The Thing.

Yeah because replacing a iconic horror movie character with a female version worked out really well in the prequel to The Thing.

I am it was jolly interesting but the whole shakey sterographic images thing was pretty bad totally failed to convey the 3D effect I would have been perfectly willing to take it on faith that they were 3D.

I am it was jolly interesting but the whole shakey sterographic images thing was pretty bad totally failed to convey the 3D effect I would have been perfectly willing to take it on faith that they were 3D.

I was just about to post this having just watched a TV show about him the other night.

I was just about to post this having just watched a TV show about him the other night.

My theory is that the Dalek never was Oswin that it was a Dalek that she hacked into believing it was human.

My theory is that the Dalek never was Oswin that it was a Dalek that she hacked into believing it was human.

Kill List is fucking awesome it's like The Wicker Man but inverted or something very disconcerting but also at the same time a wierd hang out movie about two pals pissing about.

Ach, in all probability it's just Moffat messing with those of us who read too much into throwaway lines.

So Rory complaining of drumming in his head and having a knowledge of miniaturising rays. That's a bit Masterly isn't it?

I think it was that joke and Lucille's laugh that made me fall in love with this show before then I thought it was one of the funniest on TV but the perfection of that line and that laugh coming from that character was level of brilliance rarely reached in, well, anything.

Somethings definately up. Poor Rory poor poor Rory.

Cult of Ringo. Given I find Brand to be not funny at all literally anyone who is funny is infitely funnier than him.

As the infintely funnier Stewart Lee said about Brand's first book "You can read Russell Brand's autobiography and dismiss it as rubbish if you like or you can dismiss it as rubbish without reading it, to save time, if you'd prefer."

Hey travis I was good at… Wait no I wasn't was I? I was a big gangly uncoordinated spaz with two left feet.

I liked the Beast Below more than you guys I thought the Protest/Forget Buttons were a marvelous touch.

Early doors but I'm going with Amy Pond.