The Head of Beck

It could be that Brook Shields is just gloriously untalented.

Saw This Last Night Finally
I normally fall right in line with Scott on his reviews, but a C+? Ouch. Funny thing is, I agree with everything he says about the movie, but the grade seems harsh. The romance wasn't entirely developed, and their motivations aren't explained as succinctly as they were in the books.

@Drunk on Mystery: YES.

I like "Clocks!" As far as a completely safe, catchy, all-identifiable, saccharine pop tune by an adequate mid-90's Radiohead surrogate goes… it's pretty good.

Well, well… paaaardon me. I've only the scene the episode once, I haven't had the opportunity to memorize every chunk of dialogue… yet.

Why I Watch This Show
Watching Bender, Fry, and Farnsworth drink a six pack together while the universe ends was one of the most powerfully moving things I've watched on television. And then Fry's line of "So long, Earth! Thanks for the air!" That's just good television, people.

Oh wow
That's the most gloriously ugly thing I've ever seen.

Good job, Ollie
Now can you please apologize for "World Trade Center?"