
This joke is a Ratner production. Who wants to hear what a woman has to say?

This story makes me hate everything.

Is there anything on Earth with less reason to exist than this?

I would challenge the notion that any faithful recreation of BBT could be considered a success.

I don't believe his story because he did not say her ladyworks turned sideways after she accepted her Celestial nature, which any Christian knows to be the case.

Hear, hear.

Maybe there's a Human Being / Green Man / Gimp for each state.


I'm willing to give this a try.

Yeah, he really lives in a world where any mistress can be handily murdered by man or destiny. I don't know if it's misogyny or a more general lack of regard for useless, crazy ex-lovers.

What I loved about that show was it was effective conservative satire because it came at the thing actually embodying traditionalist values that are common to everybody. Hank has to deal with passing fads and either justly reject them or find their real value.

Yeah, seriously. They Live might have its schlock, but the first half hour when just…everywhere, EVERYTHING is WRONG and everyone can see it but they just accept things as they are…it's really eerie.

I like everything about you both. You're going to do great in life!

It's been two weeks, and Marcus has not been heard from.

FX has been pretty good with adult content that can justify its own existence instead of nannying everything into network crap.

Alright, I'll say it: This man is a boon to all the Earth.

Who among us keeps watching those stupid films?

The Fancher Party found them goofy…TO DEATH!

I have read that book, and it was fantastic. It respected both characters and even killed the criminal at the end.