Nor poesy.
Nor poesy.
I think they're kind of a noble failure in that they're building to a point that all the conflict is pointless, that the only progression stems from humans and machines cooperating. Witness the dull thumping of Neo vs. infinite Smiths for ten minutes in the final battle, neither doing a lick of damage to the other.
Or at least watch her revolutions.
Maybe it's time we all just let this creepy Italian fairy tale fade away.
This is the least newsworthiest item I have ever seen.
Anyone who can't commit to every note of the way that bomb played out is just trolling. Drama trumps odds here.
Only if you roll consecutive 10s.
You could say it's not Chekhov's Bomb. It WAS put into play, it just didn't get to explode. They didn't show him making it and never trying to use it. He planted it just fine, and his scheme was foiled because he and Jesse didn't connive enough to fool Gus. It doesn't have to explode, it has to be used in the plot to…
He's also pretty terrible whenever he's in a car with Hank.
All circuits are critically astounded right now.
"I mean, I’ve lost over 40 pounds this year, and I’m still just a 'B.' ”
@avclub-4ffabf87500b89362ca0abc12daf720b:disqus wearing a hat in a city that hot is the most suspicious thing you can do.
That said, there are a couple of pizza restaurants good enough for an NYC expat. And they slice the pie.
That's Opie.
I did a find on "Fuck Utah."
Ugly ducklings grow up to be swans. So…no?
The son of Odin cares not one sprig of holly for thy dictates! Oafish vassal, a warrior's conduct be at all times noble yet sexalicious to fair maids!
I thought we only had 3-D movies again to lure us back into the theater away from our sweet air conditioning and home entertainment systems.
Wait…coffee and copies were all I did at my internship. Are they saying I got the shaft?