
Yeah, I'm a big fan of HIMYM. But I think its only because of the pure awesomeness that is Neil Patrick Harris. I'm certain that show would definitely not be on the air anymore without him. Barney Stinson has completely overtaken Doogie Howser as the role for which NPH will be remembered. The Emmys should be

I had forgotten that this show was ever on. But now I remember being disappointed that it just disappeared into thin air. I thought it had real promise and was unlike anything else on at the time. Even though it always takes me a few scenes to realize that Ray Liotta isn't, in fact, the real Henry Hill, he's

What about Wings?
Someone briefly mentioned Wings earlier and I just wanted to expand upon it. Yes, I'm a TOTAL Wings fan. Through all the hookups, that show was consistently funny throughout its run and still holds up. Joe and Helen, Brian and Alex, Brian and Casey. Brian and Casey were probably the funniest

You can extend F's as well, as in "Oh, fffffffffuuuuuuuudge"

I wanna know why DIDN'T he bag Gillian Anderson!?! She looks better at 40 than she did at 24. And now she's picked up that ultra sexy semi-British accent.

Yeah, Outlaw Torn is easily my favorite post-Cliff Burton Metallica song. Load and Reload (and the Black Album) are definitely a departure from the thrash metal that gained them their fan base. They're more hard rock records. However, they're among the best hard rock albums of the 90s. I really can't fathom the

Janine's solo and the paso doble
I think these two things are what got her the win. I've never been a big believer in the solos. I've always thought that the dancers should have at least twice as much time as they do now. I mean their auditions are longer than their solos. But I loved Janine's solo last night.

Callback to "Office Feud" in "Space"
Apparently gazizza is an actual greeting in the future.

Kudos to you, madame, and kudos again.