
Do none of you guys remember John Fornham's "Thunder in Your Heart" from RAD?!? When Crue is qualifying for Hell Track…There's thunder in your heart, every move is like lightning!! I'm gonna put that on my iPod right now!! Later!

Meet-Cute? Really?
If I ever hear any man use that term in an actual real conversation, they'll probably get a swift kick to the face.

In the episode where Michael and Jan have a disastrous dinner party, Michael revealed that Jan made him get a vasectomy, then get it reversed, then get another, then get that one reversed, then get another one. Don't know if he got that last one reversed yet. Only reason I know this is because I caught that ep in

Amazing Resemblance
Having never seen a single episode of Smallville, I'm wasn't at all familiar with Laura Vandervoort. Is it just me, or does she look EXACTLY like Gail O'Grady?

The very sexy Ally Walker plays Stahl. She's was previously best known for playing the lead in Profiler alongside Robert Davi about 10 or 12 years ago.

The Hell of Being Cut to Pieces, The Hell of Boiling Oil, The Hell of the Upside Down Sinners, The Hell Where People are Skinned Alive, The Hell of the Oily Dragon, The Hell of Watching and Reviewing "Heroes"

Completely agree. Everyone keeps talking about the montages. I guess they were kinda funny, but not up to the standards that HIMYM has set for itself. It's too early to be throwing Barney and Robin into a couples night. I think we need to see more of the Barney-Robin relationship outside of the group. We know how


His little heel kick at the end accompanied by the "Heheeeee" had me rolling

What if you were asleep?
I wonder if the people that were sleeping at the time of the blackout saw a flash in their sleep. How would they know it wasn't just a dream? And what about the time zones where the blackout happened in the wee hours of the morning where 90% of the population was asleep anyway. I wonder if

Chicken or Egg?
I'm a fan of most anything that involves time travel (which is essentially what we have in Flashforward) and know that chicken-egg scenarios are inherent to that type of situation, but they are already beginning to wear kinda thin on this show. Last week with how they came upon the name D Gibbons.

Why such a big fire to burn such a small bracelet? Why not just throw it in the trash can? And I'll bet Charlie makes him another one to replace the one he "lost"

That's kinda what I'm thinking right now

Damaged Buildings
I know that there were lots of planes in the air during the blackout, and quite a few of them would have crashed. But why is it that almost every building in the overhead shot of the city looked like they had been bombed? I can understand a 137 second blackout causing widespread damage on the

Okay, I stand corrected. I was just pulling from my own personal experience and I've never had a job with a base salary with commission. Maybe I'll rewatch it now all that's cleared up.

We've always been led to believe that the sales people in The Office are on commission. If so, they wouldn't get raises at all. Their paychecks are already based on their performance. It was a good episode, but this flaw had me a little distracted the entire time.

Yeah, I think Gloria is the only weak link on the show so far. And I don't know if its the character or the actress. I think, quite often, she IS speaking her native language. But you think its just another case of un-interpretable broken English, because its so hard to understand her when she IS speaking English.

Best Moments…
Mitchell's misinterpretation of "grabbing and scooting" and "I just stole a baby's intellectual property"

Even if this was the worst hour of television in the history of television, why the hell would you consider taking your frustrations out on your dick?? I don't see the connection.

Hmm, good question. Could be, I guess. I just thought his birthday friend was something he made from scratch. A personality that was very close to his own. Someone that he could just have fun and hang out with. Certainly no less plausible that me thinking they are siblings or ex-lovers.