
My boyfriend laughed with glee in the second episode when Kyle Bornheimer showed up. Even if we all knew we'd never watch another episode of Bent, it was fun to have a Kyle in there as the extra superfluous nail in the coffin.

Slightly embarrassed to know this but Hoyt was definitely watching Syfy channel's "Oddities". It's like "Pawn Stars" in Brooklyn but with more taxidermy.

I almost stood up off my couch and gave Saracen a standing ovation for slamming the door in the McCoys' face. They came on behalf of the boosters with an obnoxious basket of stuff and elder McCoy spouting canned condolences. Coupled withthe fact that they came after the recruiter told him about his father the

Agreed. Having the straight man and woman together seems to he stagnating them a bit. I don't feel like I've really liked Anne since "The Practice Date."

jesus. friday night lights falling victim to the nbc/comcast deal wasn't even something that crossed my mind. now i'm doubly teary.

I certainly hope so, but I'm getting a distinctly Freaks and Geeks feeling about the prospective careers of the cast.