something something sharing economy
something something sharing economy
Stop it with puns, you bunch of Creeps.
We must be talking about different sites that share the same name. Salon's clickbait headlines read like the breathless proclamations of an undergrad who's taken their first sociology class and realize that there's corruption in the world.
And you could seriously see the defeat in the penguin's whole posture.
Willie Mays has a net worth of US$3 million.
I like the version with the five penguins better than the one with, like, 20 of them.
"She made this poop. It's beautiful. This was once a part of her."
Another word for corn is maize.
In that case I just tear open one of the sofa's throw pillows and nosh on the foam stuffing.
My old roommate loved them. It was the one thing on which we didn't see eye-to-eye (no, wait, it was the second; he didn't like "Eminence Front," either).
Baby penguins _are_ really cute (I carry a WWF bag with a baby penguin on it proudly in downtown Albany on my way to and from the office), but damn that movie wasn't all fluff and snuggles. I remember thinking how brutal it was during the coldest months for the males, and how horrifyingly exhausted the females must…
The XX writers? Hell yes they do. Since Emily Yoffe left, they only have a very small handful of writers who are worth anything. Will Oremus…Dahlia Lithwick…ummm…
It was watered down by the studios. The original script, Home for Purim, is fantastic.
Bloaty head…get him to Theme Hospital
Small hands make it look bigger.
Yeah, I used to come to this site to get away from Slate/Salon-like bullshit. It's everywhere now.
People Against Goodness And Normalcy. P.A.G.A.N….
Sorry to be That Guy (oppression, yada yada), but:
Now you think Ronald McDonald go down to that basement and say “Hey Mr. Nugget, you da bomb, we sellin’ chicken faster than you can tear the bone out, so I’m gonna write my clowney-ass name on this fat-ass check for you?”
It stinks!