
How else will I express my microrages at these microoffending pieces of electronic ephemera?!

At least put some effort in, Internet!

Like (in Moriarity's cadence) Mizz Shambala Greene?

The only defense attorney whose clients are all innocent.

I'd help, but I'd have to open a new browser tab, go to YouTube, search for clips…too much to ask, man. Too much.

Hey, watch it, now…


I was waiting for Hoat the Goat's official notice of approval.

*begins writing Bob Hope/Keef slashfic, which becomes the Kindle Store's next megaseller*

I'm too tired to mock wittiness, so…

That's our Rod!

"I keep the picture in a safe in room 5A at the Holiday Inn by the airport…"

Comment/avatar synergy

"I don't like this kid."
- Jared Fogle

Is he bringing that hot piece of ass Cleo with him?

Not nearly as fun.

So gradually we didn't even notice!

Let's keep it that way!

Which is next to the beret store and the horizontal striped shirt store.

Royale with Han