
Broderick Button Disease.

That was really rude to @Dillon

Homer's ABBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB.

"Mom, don't move, just stay like…aaahhhh, dammit…"

But for me, the thrill of living is gone.

Diane Lane?

Dribble off those Bobby Brooks, let me do what I please.

Does that invalidate the money he's given away? Or the work his foundation is doing?

The weapons represent their epeenises.

How 'bout some Ator the Fighting Eagle?

Jobs and Woz were cornered by the police, so they looked deeply into one another's eyes, held hands, and drove their convertible off a cliff.

The presentations were set up like a fashion show. Puff piece journos love that shit.

With the exception of the guy sitting rightmost on the couch, they don't look old enough to be yelling at clouds.

What I don't get is how she wasn't happy making 19952 Dollars monthly. If I made that money, I'd work three months out of the year and could be content.

He was the best Mortal Kombat guy. Him and Raiden.

Done and done!

I had no idea Kelsey Grammer was that old.

Silly, the scene is considered bad now, so only right wing people liked it.

LPs for a tray.

You're doing it wrong.