Im Registered

I'm kinda with you, Bitch Hunter. Still complaining about the Simpsons sucking nowadays is pretty stupid. As far as I'm considered the show is so different than what it once was it's not even worth the effort.

The bee bit my bottom! Now my bottoms big!

Emperor Jim, I think I know what you were doing with the other hand.

A good first would have squeezed in a reference to Heather Mills having one leg.

moment of silence please……

I remade your mom………I think.

Mustard Tiger- I know you, asshole!

I found my old man, after many years of searching, in Gatlinburg, TN. I stopped in this old saloon on a street of mud, and there I saw him.

aw man, you suck for many different reasons.

Aw man that show was great! Everyone was a punk rock mohawk who wore leg warmers and pastels and did coke- just like the 80s.

Clearly you're not Don Draper, then. Mystery solved.

I realize he wasn't trying to be funny. But I watch Conan to see him be funny, not see him do a super serious guitar solo. I'm just saying stick to what you're good at. the funny is what the people want from Conan, not the music.

I hear Steve Carell has got a reverse Benjamin Button disease.

Brick killed a guy!

Berlin 1938: Hitler reveals to a stunned nation that no one has ever touched his butthole.


Is that actually a good movie?

sell out is one of those phrases that is used so often now it has lost all meaning. And it's usually misused anyway.

they're expecting life like sex robots to be a reality in 50 years or so. Finally, a good reason to take care of my health.

you're on the wrong comment boards for that, pubes.