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@beer baron it's either Swartzwelder or it's David Crosby.

I think they played his answering machine message on Howard Stern once. Just sounds like a normal guy.

Not sure
If this guy is actually funny. I feel like he might be, or maybe I'm missing something.

I enjoyed
tough crowd when it was on. Not a huge fan of Colin Quinn so much.

Originally the fat kid was supposed to get his throat slit before the monk passes him but they changed it in editing so that he loses the race, then is murdered. Making the joke infinitely funnier.

Nobodys perfect. Some of us even post the same comment twice.

It's the Freestyle Rap Competition!
Causin hocus pocus like my man Kurt Vonnegut.

As a vet, I've already seen World War II in 3-D
I fuckin' saw God, Jack. And I laughed in his fuckin' face!

I flew too close to the sun on wings of failed firsties.

Ah, failure. We meet again.


I thought the exact same thing. Why would an AV staffer be starting all kinds of fussing and fueding?

You're grammar sucks.

Tompkin's blustery sounds exactly like Jack Black.


hey Lobster, did you mean to sound soooooo sarcastic?

how could you have possibly fallen asleep in the club with all that commotion going on?

Sure they're milking this Borat thing, but in Kazakhstan's defense, this is the most interesting thing to happen to their country since their major victory over the Dzungar at the Bulanty River in 1726.

yeah, MENOCU. According to the commentary, it was David and Jay operating the arms and legs, respectively.