eli b

"He's the wooOOooorrssst"

You mean Mickey Doyle from Boardwalk Empire? I'm going to shit my pants if we get a flashback of him stabbing the girl and he looks up and does a Mickey Doyle laugh and runs off.

Echoed with the coffee too, the detective was buying one then Stone brings up a latte. Later on the cops ask why he's drinking their coffee. Similar things happen at really mundane office jobs as well, people interact around and even have tiffs about the coffee pot. Waiting at a mechanic or a oil change place also has

They set up several suspects right off the bat, even if loosely. Those two guys, the guy across the street, etc. Someone could have slipped in the house when the cat was let out, as well. Also, it could have been a boyfriend that came in and heard them having sex, and waited for Nas to pass out, that's what I thought

Speaking of the Knick, they use shallow depth of field and the vignetting in that show as well (also great use of natural lighting). I do photography so I noticed it right away, it was so well done that it didn't seem distracting considering the moodiness of the show, for me.

"Who all seen the leprechaun say yeahhhhh"

Boy, you fell for his ruse hook, line, and sinker. That's the oldest cop / detective trick in the book. "Help me help YOU", "We just want to ask you a few questions to clear something up so we can move on to other suspects", etc. He only let him talk to his parents to get them on camera / audio talking, and he only

You guys are really going to think he got it light after we spend some time in Rikers proper next week.

Boardwalk empire vibe too, both with the murdered girls stepdad and upcoming Michael K Williams.

We all know how courts work counselor, the person above was quoting one of the black dudes waiting to get his turn in court in the show.

I'm hoping it's Williams, but the IMDB had a few people with prison type designations that it could be. If it's Michael K. Williams, I'm all aboard the hype train, that will be fantastic. We already had another dude from Boardwalk Empire, and Bodie from the Wire, so I'm loving the casting so far.

We know that, the kid knows that, the cops and jury and prosecution don't know that and can explain that away pretty easily. It's going to take a bigger effort by the defense than "he wasn't bloody" when there was blood all over the cab as well.

How can you say it's sitting still when by the end Nas / Naz ends up getting rectally searched and thrown into Rikers? It was a slow burning episode, but we learned about Jack Stone's home life, we saw the kids room and that he had condoms (may or may not be relevant, but it disappointed his mom), the family computers

Agreed, it's not a hard case for them to prosecute as it stands now, and I'm sure this type of case goes through the courts on a daily basis in NYC without anyone batting an eye.

Why would you think the prosecution would agree the sex was consensual with a person who is lying in bed with dozens of stab wounds? If anything, it's nearly an open and shut case until more evidence or legal wrangling comes to light.

Have you ever been in trouble and spoken with a detective? They only care about the evidence that puts you away or helps get you to confess, or trip up, or any number of other things. Detectives aren't there to start bringing up questions about details like that, because that can hurt their case. If anything, it's

Writes article about song, posts video to the wrong version of the song.

Almost every mashup is like this… good idea, but a C on execution. There are a few exceptions that work all the way through, but just like with this one, they normally don't cut out clashing parts and / or tune them together better.

You can see in the opening composite shot of the cult leader, a bunch of naked people in a pool, so I'm assuming the missing girl dide from some weird activity there.

I can only see Senator Tankerbell.