Dave Barry

Q will solve the problem of "an erection lasting longer than 4 hours".
James Bond will ask "Why?".

The Japanese went through something similar when Godzilla became a citizen of the world.

Sorry Unabagger - It's "Copywrote".

He and Sammy Hagar (who claims aliens stole his thoughts using wireless technology) should totally hook up.

I always do what my twitter followers tell me to do.

I've completely lost track.
At this point, are we moving from the sublime to the ridiculous, or vice-versa?

I remember your mom…
It's an old trick - shame the mom into feeling guilty and she'll have sex with you 7 times out of 10.
Try it!

Someday we'll all speak in Haiku.

Perhaps Mark Brendanawicz will be returning for a couple of episodes….

For the record, it's "Speidi".
The scategory is "celebutante".

Nude on the Mooo

Pin pricks and shrinking balls.

Sign me up
If that Randy Quaid Museum is a franchise, I'd like to open one in Dade County!

This just in…
That numbness in your hands is in the categorie "occupational hazard".

That 2-year period, 1992-1993, occurred subsequent to the years 1989 through 1991, though preceding 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, (and possibly ad infinitum).

Sorry, that's not English.
- MSNBC suspends Keith Olbermann indefinitely for donating to Democratic campaigns
- MSNBC suspends indefinitely Keith Olbermann for donating to Democratic campaigns

Mr. Language Person weighs in
I'm enjoying watching the "word" REBOOT go viral.

Mr. Language Person weighs in
I'm enjoying watching the "word" REBOOT go viral.

And the cleverest way of getting out in 22 minutes is????
"Although the denouement, with Billy helping Phil and Lem kill two birds with one stone by stashing their cadaver (named, against Ted's direct orders, Roger) in the Foundation head's trunk then blackmailing him into letting Veronica and Linda off the hook,

That's Chuck in a nutshell - "lather, rinse, repeat…"