Unregistereds Rounded Up In Bo

Calling "The Late Greats" an older song by Wilco…well, no one's going to mistake John Hodgman for a hipster.

Calling "The Late Greats" an older song by Wilco…well, no one's going to mistake John Hodgman for a hipster.

I clicked on this thinking maybe, just maybe, the title was a play on Terence McKenna's timewave zero concept. My point is, kung fu movies could probably use an injection of powerful hallucinogens.

I clicked on this thinking maybe, just maybe, the title was a play on Terence McKenna's timewave zero concept. My point is, kung fu movies could probably use an injection of powerful hallucinogens.

"In the running for?" Easily. Who else is in the ballpark? Ernest Hemingway, Andy Warhol? I assume with "important" we're giving some preference to influence over sheer quality, which simplifies matters a bit.

"In the running for?" Easily. Who else is in the ballpark? Ernest Hemingway, Andy Warhol? I assume with "important" we're giving some preference to influence over sheer quality, which simplifies matters a bit.

That was on Fitzcarraldo, you pig!

That was on Fitzcarraldo, you pig!

Las Vegas as "empty artificiality" is too dog-eared and simple an idea for Werner Herzog to bother recapitulating, even in a seven-minute spot for The Killers. The gist of this was to complicate or add caveats to the idea of Las Vegas as "fake." "But this is all fake, this town here. Is it?" is clearly a Socratic

Las Vegas as "empty artificiality" is too dog-eared and simple an idea for Werner Herzog to bother recapitulating, even in a seven-minute spot for The Killers. The gist of this was to complicate or add caveats to the idea of Las Vegas as "fake." "But this is all fake, this town here. Is it?" is clearly a Socratic

God gave him everything except a respectably-sized dick, am I right?

Don't tell Ronnie what to do.

Big Sunglasses.  A thing, since, like, at least five years ago.

Interesting to watch the interview swing back and forth between "Oh, he's actually pretty thoughtful," and "Oh, he's actually that ignorant" territories.

I really shudder to think she's enceinte, as they used to say.  She has all the makings of a terrible mother.

Hahaha this is stupid.

Would you express that surprise in the comments of a review of a Beau Bridges side project?

The new comments system is a gigantic nightmarish abortion.  Some people find that sort of thing rather spiffy.

So I guess I'm going to have to make separate accounts to flag posts frivolously?  THIS IS SUCH A PAIN UGH.