
Man, am I the only person who thought this was terrible? I realize there's going to be another season for them to work with, but the last five minutes felt so rushed and anti-climatic.

In my experience, that pretty much makes you an expert in Psychology. Feel free to discuss this with people in every social situation possible.

Yeah, that was my immediate thought as well. There certainly are a lot of parallels to Chigurh and Malvo being unstoppable forces of evil, so I was half convinced he was going to somehow survive when Gus shot him three times in the chest.

If only that fucking car salesman/librarian had made a break for it once Malvo was a safe distance away from the car… Oh well, judging from the fact that both cars were gone when Lester left his house, it seems Malvo rewarded him with his life.

Okay, I'll give you Milos' storyline (although I doubt many people thought that would be the last time we'd hear from him), but Wrench was definitely not resolved. I like FiveFingeredLeeWong's interpretation of why that might be the case, but it nevertheless left me unsatisfied.

Yeah, it's going to sweep those categories given its competition. Which is a little odd, considering True Detective basically functions as a miniseries as well.

That and the Stavros Milos storyline were never really resolved. A lot of people are saying that everything was wrapped up nicely in the finale, but these examples suggest otherwise. Definitely doesn't work as a stand-alone series if that's what they were going for.

He also folded the towel while throwing up in the bathroom, just like Gus did.

Well that certainly is something.

I love St. Germain, but it's a bit of a stretch to tie them together with Boards of Canada…


Well it was a close call, but I'm gonna have to give this one to Jacob_D. Sorry Boomhauer.

I think it has more to do with the fact that it runs alongside Parks and Rec and Community, shows which this site unabashedly loves. Sure, there are probably countless other shitty sitcoms out there on CBS and ABC, but it's a lot more obvious and easier to criticize when its on the NBC Thursday lineup. Just look at

Honestly, I don't really see the point either. I just skimmed through the comment thread of Whitney's last episode, and there wasn't one person defending the show. Not one. Hell, even the guy reviewing has nothing but contempt for it.

Malkovich malkovich?