Pigeon Army

Hello, I'm a producer for [Insert Studio Here], and we'd like to option your [Insert Pitch Here] about [Insert Idea Here] starring [Insert Actor Here].

Why would anyone compare that trash auteur (if he can be called that) to the genius who made The Thing?

Didn't used to be a crier -
And then I saw 'Ray'. Of the films, it had be the cookie-cutter biopic that unleashed my inner weepie. When he's in rehab, fighting the drugs - I don't care how cliched or silly that scene is, it gets me every damn time.

Thirded on Stranger Than Fiction. Everyone I know hates on the ending, but I think it's perfect - "Isn't that the kind of person you want to live?"

You would be correct. Ten points.

If there's one film that should be on DVD…
It's Listen To Me. My debating society hold a movie night each year, and we always watch it. It's something bordering on fucked-up genius in the most horrific way. Kirk Cameron as a Southern down-home-on-the-range kid who used to rope used tires together to make shoes, Jami

Meet The Motherfucking Spartans. I swear to God, I wanted to KILL PEOPLE after watching that movie. A movie should NEVER inspire me to break the law, I'm studying the fucking thing (law, not that steaming pile of F&S crap).

This doesn't even TOUCH The Rumble In The Immaculately Designed Existentialist Detective Office, mainly because neither the DoP nor McG fight back. Seriously, that moment David O. Russell walks back in through the door on the set just to continue yelling at Lily - greatest thing on the internet ever.

I'm struggling to figure out what kind of mindset I'd have to be in to desire to see this.

I wish I was Kate Winslet.

And without haggis. Which is always a good thing.

I'll have the penne arabiata.

I like Steve.

Cold Souls
As soon as it gets released, I AM THERE for Giamatti's Shatner impression alone. The man is brilliance, I swear.

Screw bitching about Dark Knight…

"The ability to say with conviction, "This is not a joke.""
God, he's playing us all like some two-bit fiddle.

I wonder if the trunk of his car looks like a mobile police narcotics lab?

I Watched This For The First Time A Couple Of Days Ago
It was alright. My problem was that Spectre and Red Grant never felt like much of a threat - it was all too easy for Bond, in a way.

The Daily Show segment on Fox News' coverage on Obama-as-President the day after his inauguration was rather depressing. He hasn't even been in office a day and they're one step away from trying to get him deported, impeached and/or assassinated.

Scherfig's Italian For Beginners is amazing. The best film to come out of Dogme 95. So, I'll probably end up seeing this and being disappointed because there's no disgraced priests trying to destroy their successors.