No worries, judging by every other mention of this movie on A.V. Club you can prepare yourself for about a thousand comments bravely asserting the same about this terrible mess of a movie.
No worries, judging by every other mention of this movie on A.V. Club you can prepare yourself for about a thousand comments bravely asserting the same about this terrible mess of a movie.
And you know of this…?
Hanson episode. Maybe the most game guests the show ever had, which surprised me.
The demo for this was goddamn fantastic and I expect the game to rate in my Top 3 for the year.
You misspelled "correctly".
Show a lot of things happening at once
Ever thought of doing a similar piece with Contra?
Here's every version of "Bloody Tears" from the series up to 2010:…
I could name a few - Square's "Chrono" series, DOOM, the Activision "Mechwarrior" games - but most of them have far fewer games per series. "Castlevania" and Konami defined themselves very early on as the ambitious types when it came to music - those tracks for Castlevania and Simon's Quest above strain against the…
*waves tiny American flag for non-elected potentate*
This is why I'm sad this will push back any Heroes for Hire movie by a decade or more. TV show = padding, padding and more padding, which doesn't mesh well with these characters.
I'm happy I lived to see this show get made… but not as happy as I would have been with a Misty/Colleen/Danny/Luke Heroes for Hire movie.
The best tribute to Ross had to be that Boondocks episode. Even the chase scene gets a background of what look like oil-painted trees.
Lots of Chair Force teaching art on TV!
Definitely the most useful quote from the game.
Perhaps the system's best… after Shadowgate, of course.
True… pity about the game itself.
Honestly, I wouldn't have replied to your comment if I knew the response was going to be an old man yelling at a cloud with "PC" on it. My suggestion to you is, don't make up stuff that didn't happen just to have something to get angry about.