Don Marz

Wow, way to shoot yourself in the foot. The Democrats held some part of the North Carolina government until 2012 and the state went to the Democratic presidential candidate in 2008. They're still the Democrats' best bet to take back a Southern state.

With your neat ideas about how "a significant percentage of the working class" are "utter" "morons", I'm just stunned that they don't get along with you.

And they're not joining it yet, so wake me when something happens that matters.

what the hell

That would be a few lines added on to the joke to which you're replying.

There's always the chance that you happened on someone here who thinks the movie was "forced, contrived and mechanical" but that's just code for "FEMINAZI AGENDA" rather than an otherwise accurate assessment of the movie

Don't it always seem to go that way!

Why do episode reviews go up without show titles on the main page? I thought, "The Invisible Hand", that sounds interesting, but this is that Bing show.

For the indie labels, it's playing the odds. For every band like the Butthole Surfers that wants to renegotiate because they got bigger than the label, there's going to be twenty or more who don't dare ask for a better deal, because they're broke.

Your ideas about indie rock come from an odd alternate universe.

It's a good way for indie record labels to screw new artists over. "Hey, we're all pals here, don't worry your little head about the standard contract, etc."

I'd also consider this a telling example of what the "indie" music model is about, that is, when push comes to shove, everyone still rallies around the poor little label owners against the big, bad artists actually making the music, since critiquing the labels marks you as an enemy of the people who have you by the

showrunners Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg

The thing is, I don't watch a movie to cackle over "wow" moments. I watch it to see a coherent whole play out in front of me, which is just a wordy way of saying, "I want to see the movie." The responses here seem to suggest that my objection is that the movie is being "spoiled". I could not care less about that.

It's a matter of the legal tangle around Vertigo's contracts. Time Warner wants to own all its shit outright, screw the creators. My guess is legal and corporate got together and decided the best bet was to salt the earth and start over.

Is Galactus as a "life bringer" an intriguing idea on its own? No, it's only notable because it's the opposite of how existing readers know the character. It's false novelty, designed to keep the books within a stifling zone of comfort. Ditto comics about rebooting comics.

But I don't want to play these abominations. They're just interesting trivia about piracy, they're not any good as games.

what a dark turn for this comic that started out about DuckTales.

I just assumed the artist (whose work is very nice, btw— love the color palette) wanted to maintain anonymity a bit by drawing themselves and their friend as anthropomorphic animals.