Don Marz

The Guardians of the Galaxy and Jessica Jones were both much, much, much more familiar to contemporary comic book readers than the Inhumans when their multimedia versions debuted, the Guardians for their importance to the first, most successful incarnation of the "Annihilation" cosmic-character crossovers (which is

I've always wondered idly if this movie were just a hopeful placeholder for a post-Singer sharing of the "X-Men" license with Fox.


*rolls eyes until I die*

A grinning, animated "CANCELLED" stamp, after the fashion of dancing lobby concessions during the intermission of old movies.

Ah, yes, the masculine vigor of Iron And Wine. It's back!

Toby Maguire was a version of Spiderman that seemed readily identifiable by most people AS Spiderman

As opposed to on the walls of an American super-max, I suppose.

Every character that will never appear again.

One of those interesting video game videos that would have been much improved by being 30-40 seconds long without narration.

What the hell kind of question is that? It's not like I want to save the world I'm saving in CoD or something.

Must we now? Or perhaps we shouldn't blow our precious time on Earth laboring to meet one director halfway?

You'd get thrown off set and never work in Hollywood again. That's what happens when someone powerless takes on someone like Jared Leto and it's why his costars have to put up with this shit.

Seems like method acting is a great tool in the hands of someone truly skilled, but in the hands of other people, it's the same thing as getting cast based on your looks: you're too lazy to learn how to act, so you have to "be" your character all the time.

If I'd rather watch a game than play it, it means it's a bad game and there's about a million things I'd rather be doing than watching it, too.

When I heard the voice actors for this movie, I immediately thought "trying too hard". It's like the casting director got drunk with her staff during a teen-style office sleepover.

Tha-a-at's Jare-e-ed

It took a few movies before I realized I didn't like him as an actor, rather than not liking his projects. He wasn't a stand-out on Saturday Night Live, but he wasn't awful, either.

In some cases, they need the work. In other cases, they're people who have their choice of projects at the time but make a series of poor decisions. The latter group are fair game, in my opinion. (Note that Bill Murray is not on the mathematically-averaged shit list.)

Americans tend to have the subjective experience of liking European movie stars more than their talent would suggest.