Don Marz

…No, it didn't.

I'm sure she's reading these comments and will be over to your house soon

It will be about as trippy as Ant-Man, get good to great reviews and make a ton of money.

If they're smart, they just won't.

it seems safe to predict that a good chunk of the Doctor Strange movie will be spent justifying why he looks so silly

Ambush Bug is like Deadpool, only mostly about DC Comics internal politics and much, much less popular

And it's the last thing I've seen about this movie that suggested it might be smarter than the comics

Anyone who privately owns a fossil is a shithead

But also like the 2016 U.S. presidential election, talking about The Late Show With Stephen Colbert is too much fun to abstain from.

You seem like you have constant problems with anger as a lifestyle choice.

Just following up: you got absolutely destroyed here.

the problem with feminists is that they try to judge a work of art based on how well it fits into their own person political views.

Tip: you don't really seem like you know a lot about feminism when you capitalize the "F"; second tip: it's the men who seem to be freaking out and can't calm down when a feminist critique talks about a movie from one angle.

I was wondering why the hell Hawkeye was in the movies, and I still am.

I'm waiting for Wonder Woman to have an obligatory abortion and turn to the camera with a thumbs-up to appease the blog-o-sphere

They also set off a bunch of explosives in Saigon as they left, which, you know, some people might consider less than an obligation.

Almost all of the people who take an all-or-nothing point of view on feminist criticism are rabid anti-feminists.

You're freaking out in public dude


Now I want a movie starring Hannibal Buress and Thomas Haden Church