Don Marz

In general, comments are being deprecated in favor of social media where the comments don't appear to be connected to the story itself. This, I assume, is a compromise based on nostalgia for the supposed glory days.

It’s where a Mediterranean-style cantina bar with a swing house band and a customer base of creature-feature rejects can seem of-a-piece.

That redubbed actress is beyond weird. No one would have batted an eye at a female science fiction pilot in 1983.

*camera points straight down on me as I scream into it* EEEEEEEEEEEEVVVEEERRRRYYYYYOOOOOOOONNNNE

Good Lord, this book blows, even for King. Does Franco's career really need this

I doubt they'll use any concept or character that carries even the remotest chance of having to pay someone off, give them a credit, etc., on top of what they have planned. Blatantly ripping off those ideas and renaming them, that's more likely given the status of previously licensed works.

I didn't think HK-47 would win me over, but by KOTOR 2, I was going down every conversation tree to find more of Tabori's voice acting. The saccharine contempt of it! I couldn't get enough.

Fair enough, Mel!

I hate the source material, but this cast makes it hard to resist.

What made the difference for me was a direct flight to Korriban ASAP, where no mercy was shown. I wish any other RPG of the era had challenged me in the same way, with the same fucked-up results.

I killed Kaidan simply because I'd finished KOTOR again less than a month before. Truth.

I love that last touchdown on a planet if you're on the bad side, where your opening hand is, kill the most sympathetic companions in the game and never look back.

This involved workers, not Discovery-Channel-style college grads, so it was guaranteed a low-effort adaptation compared to The Martian.

I think the best Superman origin is…Superman's origin, and the best Superman comics are the ones that appeared before the invention of the "super-villain", but the show is quite nice. I didn't remember it being very special but on re-watch, it worked well.

I think a lot of people should re-watch the show. It never intrigued me as a kid, but watch "Mxyzpixilated". That will show you what the show can do with Superman.

There's a pile of "new take on Superman's origin" graphic novels out there because they're guaranteed reviews by bigger critics who don't read a lot of comics.

In its better days, yours would be close to the top-rated comment.

You never once evaded cops as a teenage driver?

Well, guess what Pitchfork had to say about Harvey Danger's comeback album.

Both hats can be true.