
Totally agree. That stuff with Christina and Dr. Feeny was great earlier this year. But the Arizona stuff (and the whole April-isn't-a-virgin-anymore-and-she-irrationally-hates/loves-Jackson-because-of-it thing) is pretty terrible. I liked the flash mob though!

Why is this popular again?

As far as meta references go, I liked Jules not having heard of Must See TV the best.

Yup. I just saw "Life of Pi," which is one of my favorite books. And I was reading more about it before I saw the movie and saw that the tiger is named after a shit ton of shipwreck survivors. And I figured that's a good metaphor for the average AV Club commentator, so, yeah. Worked out pretty well.

Yes, because all of criticism is watching TV shows you 100% like and find no fault with.

I live about three blocks away from Sitcom Gays. And I registered an account just to point that out.