The Shame-Spear of Hurt

This is the typical "a few episodes in so I can't gush about it" weird kneejerk things tv critics do. It's completely enervating and wholly unnecessary. This episode isn't any different from any other this season.

That's what he said, and he's always been an honest guy, have no reason to not believe him.

Can guarantee he didn't do this just for the money. Big stars don't do advertising unless they believe in the creative angle. Hell, even Bill Hader didn't do the T-Mobile ads for money, he thought it would be fun and funny.

*ahem* moooooooooooooom.

Chuck fucking rules. The best lead guitar on any pop-punk record.

Those are literally the two bands that took me out of my Blink phase and into "good" music. (Still looove Blink though, as a drummer.) Those two bands and The Stills. Their first record is such a morose underrated classic.

Best Blink deep cut: "Waggy".

Represent. My band got to use this studio to cut a record. An amazing experience I'm sure I'll bore my kids with some day.

Totally agree. It all just kinda runs together: up and down, up and down. Still, love "Hearts Like Ours" and "I Kill Giants."

Because he likes to be contrarian. Carry on.

I never tire of backstage SNL talk. To anyone who hasn't read Live From New York but is a fan of the show, what's wrong with you??

Pens flare.

Thank you for posting informative and interesting science behind Plinko. Times like these I think the internet just might be worth all the hassle.

Ugh. I'd actually WELCOME an article that takes on Oswalt for once instead of the constant dick sucking.

"Breaking Bad was mentioned in an article." Just one though??

Frogurt was also mentioned by Hurley before we saw him, so he'd been established on the island already. Wasn't a surprise to see him.


Love it. The Benz lines kill me. So awesome.

"I've only had one bite of the side dish but this whole meal fucking sucks."

Fuck yeah. I JUST picked up this record and love it. Can't believe I slept on it. Know what brought it back to my attention of all things? Fuckin' MTV playing videos all day on the 4th of July. They played this video and I was like, "Oh yeah! I need to check this out."