TA Plum

Why do people always upvote the person that restates the joke more than the person that made it?

I agree with you. They are such different performers stylistically, Nina and The Cardigans both, from who Tom Jones is. Plus, yeah his voice is SO POWERFUL. In the liner notes to The Cardigans Best Of (a solid pick up, esp the 2 -disc version for more interested fans) they say,

Not to mention that each album tends to be wildly different from the others but still complementary. It's one of the reasons their Best Of so fantastic (the liner notes are another reason and the art design).

Thank you so much for writing about The Cardigans. Especially for focusing on their later much less appreciated albums.

I think you can divide it up into 3. I was trying to articulate it but was having trouble. I think Emmerdale/Life - FBotM/Gran Turismo - LGBD/SEG.

I disagree that it fits in well on First Band on the Moon. I think it might fit their best over any other of their albums, but I can't think of any songs that have that same feel to them.
Life was a response to Emmerdale sure, but I don't think it grew from it (the original track listing at least before it was an

Fun Fact: The original arrangement of "My Favorite Game" was a down tempo country version that would have fit in nicely on LGBD. Probably close to the version they did. It really is very lovely.

The Cardigans do some really fun and well made Black Sabbath Covers.

Thank you so much for posting this. I am (recently) very interested in film preservation and restoration. Your post helped assuage my fears that Never Let Me Go was dangerously close to becoming a lost film and you also alerted me to a free publication that fits my interests (and possible career, if I go back to

You're also thinking of "Switched" by R.L. Stine. I linked to the amazon page on another comment but on yours I will link to a blog about Fear Street.

You're thinking of R.L. Stine's 'Switched', in the Fear Street series. It was pretty awesome (shot-put murder) until the reveal that it was all in the protagonists head. She had gone insane with guilt after her friend died (before the book started) and had these delusions that her friend was still alive, but was crazy