x-girlfriend de Juanito

No, I won't use skype, my microphone is broken.

I only express an interest because you told me that you were almost killed on multiple occasions. I hope you were exaggerating. Maybe my dad's guidance wasn't completely wrong? I would feel stupid for never saying something to change your ways if you died young. I never thought I would scare you into a job that sends

Hey, dont' go making this about what's wrong with ME, Juan, you're the one who's been wrong. I'm trying to salvage a decent brain from a brainless existence.
Why can't you do more comments like this one >>> http://www.avclub.com/austi…

Then you've lost your gusto and your ambition. You never used to tolerate excuses like that. Too, only a fucking idiot would join the army BECAUSE he got lucky in the stock market. WTF was that? People struggling for a job or health insurance enlist, poor people, not privileged English majors who were supposed to be

I use his international data plan, which is very expensive and helpful when I travel. What you don't like chatting here? The nonregistered guy thinks you're a fake.

Seriously, you should consider the occasional abbreviation when you text message someone. Even textese is ok when you text. What is your fixation with proper language and grammar all the time?

You mean buffoons? I know you hate typos.

I still think the internet thing is sketchy.
See, they hate you here. Or is that why it's entertaining? Some of the conversations around here are interesting, but there's also a lot of stupidity, bodily fluids humor and immature sex jokes that I thought we were above. We hate pop culture, right?

Is this internet machine you gave me illegal?

Answer the question

How do I do comments on my phone? I don't see them.

You had an article published in a legitimate national magazine three years ago. Why do you bother with this site? This is a big step down.

He told me it was only 2 continents, nd it's 39, but most of those were by airplanes, and he's in North Carolina now. And he doesn't give a fuck about your freedom, he's just sublimating his sociopathy. Which used to be kind of hot.
Everyone here hates us, but I could give a good godamn.
Why are there so many dorks

You're never sorry.

But I loved that conversation. We're talking about right after the Nick Cave music sequence, right?

Hackman is superb, as though he's in another, superior film, while everyone and everything else resembles a children's comic book rendition of the most stereotyped old west cliches and infantile violent scenes imaginable.
At some point, the over-the-topness becomes grating and foolish, even though we see what Raimi

You mention Funny People. It reminds me of Ikiru, (Were the parallels intentional?) as though it was a half-comedic attempt to respond to Kurosawa's themes of 50 years before. Maybe this is too much of a stretch, but cancer or terminal illness is easy to echo through the generations of cinema, so we'll never know for

::head explodes::

O, and DMTH, Juan agrees, has a great ending. That was the only 2 minutes of the film that were any good. His review is perfect, as far as I'm concerned.

So, you didn't believe the "I love Kung Fu" dynamic of the origin of their relationship? But she has flair! Flair that she hates! And she screwed a guy with the same name as the antagonist! Screenwriting 101, duh! Oh, wait, this was a feature film…well…oh.