x-girlfriend de Juanito

I don't think you all understand the Hackman:

This guy…
…actually had a great interview segment on Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight. I can't decide whether his interview was better than South Carolina Democratic Senatorial Nominee Alvin Greene's.

You know more than 1 person who are f***ing lowbrow idiots.

Where is my mind, indeed.

Ah, shit, I'm the when you someone eat it.

***I'm confused.

Zach Handlen
You need the Juan Treatment of The Quick & The Dead. He just fast forwards to the scenes with Gene Hackman. Sam Raimi , uh, kind of, um, sucks as a director. He's childish. But Gene Hackman f***ing owns in his scenes in TQ&TD.

Also, Bamboozled.
This should be mentioned. What a shame. I loved that Spike Lee Joint up til the ending segment.


I'd say…
…when Juan ordered the creme brulee and then hit on the waitress before we went to the opera.


Don't call me sweetie, dearie.

Juan, change that godforsaken picture, i look weird.

I'm not flattered. And that birthday wishlist is ridic, Juan.

"king of all light and celestial essence" I love it. You're a wacko, Juan. How about "man's reach should exceed his grasp" to convey why Kubrick is in fact a good model for filmmakers?
These other people make good points, but I do love that greek god analogy. Also, "obsessive" or "obsession" automatically carries


Honestly, I can't remember the names of any of Brakhage's films/experiments I saw/experienced, but I'll have to thank Criterion for giving me a chance to revisit them.

Juan introduced me to Brakhage.
This artist made me wish there were more than 24 hours in a day.

Juan was supposed to take me to Paris someday.

I feel like such a nerd for saying this,
but having this on DVD will be a big upgrade. The VHS from back in the day doesn't give the cinematographer a chance. Yay!