Why do you think that is? Also, I don't know if I feel like I'm connected to this community yet.
Why do you think that is? Also, I don't know if I feel like I'm connected to this community yet.
Zip. Zop. Zooey!…
It's Norton who should be Hulking!
But of course, for that ending to work, you would have to ignore all the Simpson DNA evidence. And that would be downright nutty.
Downvotes down boats.
I always wanted them to make more of those movies. There's still 10 unadapted books in the series!
There's a semi-stigma against Foxx?
Downvoting crushes dreams and breaks up families.
I think she meant Blitzen Trapper.
I just want my kids back.
I don't know, I like the discord and unrest conveyed by:
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John Oliver, Joel McHale, Ken Jeong, and Jonathan Banks, used well in well-made, well-placed ads, should be enough to rocket this series to ratings town. Of course, just the first three along with TV and movie icon Chevy Chase never did it…
Uh oh, Paraphine downvoted you.
Dumb and off-putting but yayy! :)
25 degrees out? What a nerd!
Ha. SBT said young Jesse Eisenberg.
Or nervous sycophant per The Big Lebowski, jaded sage burnout like in Almost Famous, etc., etc. I just meant he seemed to be inhabiting his character and giving an intriguing performance. He appeared to be in smarmy dickbag mode, however.
How's the registered life treatin' ya, btw?
That's disappointing. His brief appearance in the trailer piqued my interest and seemed really Philip Seymour Hoffmany.
You ain't kiddin' http://www.pinterest.com/pi…