Forgetting Sarah Connor


Tres belle! (But Boo-urns that she doesn't eat anything in the third one.)

Here I am!

Breaking Bad aired in 2013, right?

Hey Narrator, according to the best of film article, First Cousin Once Removed is an HBO movie that was in one theatre for one week so it's in contention for film awards. Why didn't they do that with Behind the Candelabra??

Haha, yes that'll do. Ski-U-Mah to you too, fellow Golden Gopher!!

Or that he's back just because Chevy's gone.

You left out intelligent. And humble.

Sleepy Hollow is a lot of crazy fun but there's not a ton of CGI, although I guess all the demons must be. No tentacles but some of the monsters are pretty cool. Kind of a Buffy meets The X-Files type of setup with an American history undercurrent.

That person who hated all TV of 2013 is discerning enough to fit in.

That's cute! Less cute is the fact that he'll only be 41, despite his appearance.

Holy weird. Although all that crazy stuff could be from just one episode (which is what I'm hoping).

I loved the Scrubs joke. Banks' goggles and Chang looking like he was going to take off a mask also tickled me.

You can have paradise on earth if you realize we are all one.

There's a too-awesome-for-American-TV episode of Hannibal?? Cat/Santa, I'm changing my Christmas gift wish.

How's this?
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
But seriously, that show is prettay, prettaaay, prettaaaaayy good. It probably doesn't help for mentions that's its been off the air so long. I hope it comes back for at least one more season!

NBC's back, baby! And it's all live, all the time!

…What's it doing?