Broseph Gordon-Levitt

"The Wettest County in the World" sounds like a sex tape with Emma Watson.

"Goldthwait makes the obvious point that an inane culture would respond
inanely to its own victimization, but it also serves to undermine the
notion that Frank and Roxy are on a heroic quest. Any early feelings of
catharsis inspired by watching Frank address his Howard Beale problem
with a Travis Bickle solution start

No, because Joakim's hair is better.

Lucille Ball?  Is that you?

It's terrible in real life.  Why would I want to watch it on TV?

NBC should really just change their whole business strategy to "Mindy Kaling gives out handjobs".

I wish its star would cancel the extra O in her name.

@avclub-853104641aaaa8414c7c57ff4c21ef9b:disqus : 12 episodes and a movie!

NBC in the 2010s is much like the Chicago Bulls of the late '90s and 2000s.  Having previously dominated their respective fields until their superstars got old and left, they both decided "Fuck it, let's just scrap everything and start over," and then dropped to the bottom of the standings for quite some time while

Parenthood?  Wasn't that a Steve Martin movie? As well as a sitcom starring Robert Townshend?

Not least of which included being infiltrated by Nic Cage and Sean Connery.

Isn't the real troll Polanski?  In every sense of the word?

I think what Tim Lieder's saying is that Polanski's pianist is always popping up in unwanted places.

They probably couldn't locate him, as he's gone back to living in his car with his motherless daughter.

More like Christina's ass was still sore from the offense she took regarding the events of Monday.

Considering that the subtext of that song is that the "friends" are drugs, I can very much imagine Juliet needing their help to get by.

I don't get the hate for Rae Lynn.  I thought she had a pretty good singing voice and a lot of stage presence.  Compared to most country acts she was much more interesting, both musically and performance-wise. Although I didn't see her performance last night so your rage may or may not be justified based upon it.

I totally expected Juliet to lose like two rounds ago and then OD after going on an alcohol, valium and heroin bender.  She seems like somebody who self-destructs easily and has abnormally shattered self-confidence from neglectful parents and a string of abusive boyfriends.  I think that's why you want to see her

The other songs I remember from Jermaine were Bon Jovi's "Livin' On a Prayer" and Phil Collins' "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)".  So yeah, his taste in music sucks.

Why would any teens have voted for Chris?  Because he reminds them of their awkward, sexually ambiguous middle school band teacher?  Is that what's hot these days?