sarcasm detector

PLease don't forget about the massive voter suppression/purges that happened

A second term

I'm still around, I just don't comment as much because I got a real job that frowns on all-day Internet commenting.

I guess he is too busy as chief White House strategist to comment these days

No. Civilian massacres go against the ideals that our country fights for. Pretending that it didn't happen or that I can't have an opinion about it because I wasn't personally there is lazy and cowardly.

engage me with ideas and facts rather than name calling

tell me which facts are wrong. Were thousands of civilians not killed at Fallujah, per orders to seal off the city?

This seems like a good place to remind everyone that SecDef Mattis is a war criminal:

living legend = Fallujah war criminal?

maybe they were trying to keep the focus on Trump's assault on women, and not how horrible white women are to other women? Doesn't sounds like "try to minimize" it sounds like "try to keep stay on message".

right - kids today don't know what a "mall" is.

A lesbian thief? Like, she steals lesbians?

I enjoyed the simmering rage simmering under the surface


"tried to minimize woman of color in The Women's March""

He will turn it around and claiming that her NA ancestry means she wasn't born in this country and can't be POTUS

what a bigly comment

Yeah, she seems really upset about being insulted by a short-fingered vulgarian

I don't want him to die - I want him to live to see his name despised, to see even republicans and his die-hard supporters turn on him, to finally have his bubble of narcissism and privilege thoroughly pricked.

At least we'd have a better idea of what's actually going on, instead of Trump's latest tweet or EO sucking all of the oxygen out of the room.