sarcasm detector

prints, semen, blood, etc won't do the cops any good if they haven't already fingered you as a suspect.

they would have found it in the car anyways

wow, I was captivated by this from beginning to end.

except for half the people on these message boards, apparently.

seriously. holy shit, so many critical people talking mad shit from the comfort of their living room. "Oh course I would have told the detective to fuck himself and then waved my dick in his face"

yeah, I hope the takeaway from this isn't "Oh the Man wants to railroad brown people for murders they didn't commit" this guy has GUILTY written all over him.

right, that would have been a great show if he had successfully covered up his involvement and was never found. we could have spent the next few episodes watching tutor apathetic high school athletes instead.

maybe give it more than one fucking episode before you shit all over it?

I see you haven't played knifey-spoony beforeā€¦

so many stone cold gangsters here, who know exactly how they would act when waking up drugged and hungover in a crime scene with a bunch of incriminating evidence pointing towards them.

"The thing about Bothans is you kill one, and you're still bloodthirsty half an hour later."

what an ass you sound like

How about Charlie Day?

Making trump-pence campaign logos

can I just throw something together with cats at the last minute?

Paranoid Anglican

But it's the birthplace of steamed hams, right?

I would love to hear from some of the climate change deniers in this fictional universe

Yeah, HRC is run-of-the-mill politician shady - trade some favors here and there, but some cronies in important positions, whatever.

PLEASE do not be complacent. Brexit showed us what happens when country believes that their atavistic reactionary element will not cut off their nose to spite their face.