sarcasm detector

I don't mind Maher. the wife and I watch him while we drink our coffee on Sunday morning. some (most) of his comedy bits are stupid, and any time I hear him talk about "alternative medicine" or GMO I roll my eyes, but the panel is usually pretty enjoyable.

if you can't say it in a single breath, it's not worth a damn in politics.

I heard somewhere that Georgia was no longer considered a Republican lock. Georgia!

As to your third point, Jon was instrumental in moving the show from the Kilbourne-era "make fun of celebrities" to the political bent it grew into. It came to Noah in full-fledged political engagement mode, so it's not like something he has to develop or re-invent.

Like the same kinds of psychopaths who have rigged the systems in place for the past decades and centuries wouldn't just seize the reigns of power once again in some post-revolution future.

It shows that there are two principal kinds of Sanders voters - people genuinely driven by progressive issues, and anti-establishmentarians who just want to "stick it to the system"

I thought Desi was hilarious, and one of the few watchable parts of the post Stewart era.

I remember all the deaths that happened on Muppet Babies

Can he name everyone that we've seen naked on the show?

I cannot stand his smirk - he makes Bill Maher look subdued.

Is that you, Trevor Noah?

And here I am, chewing my own food like a sucker!


Arnold's undocumented maid sure got a lot of input from 1990 Arnold.

I saw it when I was around 10, had no idea about media subtlety or ironic subtext, and I loved the shit out of it.

Definitely top 3. Just hits some many great beats and textures of the ur-Takle of the Warrior.

Sometimes you have to give the Greek Chorus something obvious to contribute.

Next week's Savage Love is going to deal with ham-fisting

Just like Battlestar Galactica

mixed meat? like mouse mixed with rat meat?