sarcasm detector

stay out of my territory

You could just put "Bound" on loop

"we use vespene gas, while the other franchise uses vepsene gas - clearly different, Your honor!"


How about I give you Netflix login info and you see for yourself?

sarcasm detector approves this sarcasm

like one that challenges smug assholes instead of placating their third-grade ideas of theology?

Would love to see this make an appearance in a modern courtroom

God really did chose kind of poorly with them.

you just have to know where to look. I like the stuff were they appear to be into each other and are enjoying it.

front or… back?


or attempt to bring a woman to orgasm

No, these movies always have the premise that "Christians in American are a brave but persecuted minority who must practice their beliefs in private".

Do you have to bring your own Bible to burn, or will one be provided?

My chemistry professor tried to make me sign a statement renouncing alchemy.

Trump 2016

Oh, they ripped off the story about the smug atheist recognizing the error of his ways? Do tell!

I completely missed it while it was happening, so we're not all as smrt as you.

Fundamentalists can be shown undeniable contradictions in their holy books and they shrug it off like nothing, so no.