sarcasm detector

Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies?

Considering that the entirety of Westeros south of the Neck worships the Seven, they have a very uphill battle ahead of them to extirpate heresy.

That debt is past statute

yeah, I'm pretty sure this was the case.

Because the accruing interest was ridiculous - it came out to something like $3 every day.

for anyone who wants to read it

agree, they could have cut (or condensed) the wildking arguing with Jon for 5 minutes in order to have made room for the speech.

Obama needs to sack up and go on Bill Maher.

you shouldn't use the c-word

The other half are probably prostitutes

or have we?

Here is where I solicit financial advice from random people on the Internet:

No that was a dream sequence


I was hoping the note was going to be something along the lines of:

or so it seems

Someone else brought up the possibility than Ian McShane had worked for the Freys/Lannnisters, and that is why he was targeted.

I hope she meets up with Jorah somehow and just completely tears him a new asshole about his lack of honor and fidelity to his House.

I wonder if any previous NW deserters ever tried that excuse when they were caught.

I am notoriously bad at missing obvious plot twists and developments, and even I thought this was pretty clear.