sarcasm detector

Can you rattle off a list off the top of your head (as I posted above, haven't consoled in 10 years but am thinking off getting an old used system to play with my 4 years old)? I've heard good things about the Batman Arkham game, and Skyrim looked pretty cool.

Haven't had a console in the past 10 years, but I have a 4 year old whom I am thinking of introducing to video games in the next year or two. Do you have a link to a good "best console games of the last 10 years" that might guide my purchasing decision?

how long does it take?

Thanks. He lived a good life (he was 94) and died peacefully surrounded by family, so not exactly a tragedy, but death is death, and my wife was pretty close to him growing up.

dude, spoiler alert!

People on a pop culture website dedicated to discussing recently aired entertainment need to learn to keep these things to themselves? okay dude.

I was at a funeral service for my wife's grandfather today, and her whole side of the family is Trump supporters (she is not, thank Jeebus). Had to try reaaaal hard to keep things diplomatic.

I feel like now I know where Trump's hair comes from…

that's fair, but it was a still a contrived situation. the pirates plot pretty much went nowhere, unless the lady from the airplane is going to be some kind of multi-season nemesis.

daniel was at ground zero of the conflagration, surrounded by a dozen hungry zombies who we know aren't inhibited by fire… of course he's fine!

this show makes Season 2 of the Walking Dead look like the love child of Shakespeare and Arthur Miller

the boat that the Mexican coast Guard just surely left waiting conveniently for them. In fact, we know it's still there, because Nick was somehow able to sneak away, get back to the coast (presumably without the truck). get back to the boat, grab Zombie Luis, and bring him back before breakfast.

you are the most avid defender of this show. I don't know whether or not to be impressed

completely agree. if you have to explain what your show is doing in some appendix, you are doing it wrong.

If they had gotten to the compound like 2 episodes earlier, instead of wasting time with those stupid pirates, they could have had these plot points develop more organically. But - nope, Daniel suddenly has PTSD! Nick is seduced by death worship! Chris is evil!

Is it me, or have Travis's eyes slowly been moving closer together over the course of the show?

great summary. she really is concentrated awfulness.

people keep saying they like those actors, but they have been nothing but complete garbage in this show.

please god yes.

I like that in the one scene between his zombie-disguise wandering, they show him showering.